Software Development
Extensive Experience in Software Development, AI, and Data Analysis
Fullstack development
Microservices and Web Development:
- Scalable, Service-Oriented Architectures
- Data Management
- Routing and Load Balancing
- Service Communication
- API Management and Documentation
- Circuit Breaker
- Service Discovery
- OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect
- Frontend (Desktop and Android Development)
- Content Management Systems
DevOps & CI/CD
- Containerization and Orchestration
- Build Tools
- Version Control
- CI/CD-Pipelines
- Monitoring and Logging
Technologies and Tools: Python, Matlab, C, Bullet, Blender, OpenCV, Mediapipe, OpenPose, SimpleCV, Unity, Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels, OpenRefine, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Java, Spring Boot 3, Docker, Kubernetes, Maven, Gradle, Git, SVN, Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Zipkin, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Spring Cloud Gateway (API Gateway), Spring Cloud Load Balancer, Traefik, REST APIs, Rest Client, Kafka, RabbitMQ, OpenFeign, OpenAPI, Swagger, Postman, Resilience4j, Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker, Eureka, Zookeeper, Keycloak, Junit, Angular, Javascript, CSS, Typescript, NodeJS, JavaFX, Android, HTML, WordPress, Joomla, Typo3, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Webstorm, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio
Computer Animation and Computer Vision
- Analysis and processing of time-series data generated by motion and EMG sensors
- Development and implementation of mathematical methods and machine learning models for full-body motion prediction
- Application of advanced algorithms for physics-based animations, motion style transfer, and realistic simulations
- Motion Segmentation
- Integration of object detection, tracking, and recognition models for motion analysis and scene understanding
- Visualization of motion patterns and simulation results to enhance the analysis and optimization of animations
- Integration with animation tools such as Blender, Bullet, and Houdini
- Development of interactive environments utilizing real-time image processing for dynamic applications
- Creation and management of specialized datasets, including human and horse movement datasets
Technologies and Tools: Python, Matlab, C, Bullet, Blender, OpenCV, Mediapipe, OpenPose, SimpleCV, Unity, Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels, OpenRefine, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook.
Computer Algebra and Biochemical Networks
- Development and implementation of algorithms for the symbolic and numerical analysis of complex biochemical networks, including the detection of Hopf bifurcations, stability analysis, and multistationarity computation
- Creation of software to explore algebraic methods for biochemical reaction networks
- Automation of processing and transformation of algebraic data from biochemical reaction networks.
- Development of tools for the visualization and representation of parameter regions and analysis results.
Technologies and Tools: Maple, Mathematica, Java, Reduce, Redlog, Z3, RSolver, Singular, Polymake, Polco, Bertini, JSBML, Gurobi, JGrapht, CellDesigner, QuickHull, Postgres, MySQL
Daily Trading Application Development
- Development and programming of APIs for real-time data retrieval from stock exchanges, marketplaces, and financial platforms
- Web scraping to extract additional information such as news and market analyses
- Implementation and customization of machine learning models to optimize trading strategies
- Coding of trading rules for automating trading decisions
- Implementation of features for real-time analysis and decision-making based on current market data
- Integration and connection of trading bots with platforms like MetaTrader for executing automated trades
Technologies and Tools: Python, TA-Lib, MetaTrader API (MQL4/MQL5), Binance API, Yahoo Finance API, Quandl API, Scikit-Learn, Statsmodels, Pandas, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook